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対応英語 文書 番号
c-equal JIS X 7206:2010 e)
c-type standard JIS X 7779:2012 3.1.2
c-weighted peak sound pressure level,l_pcpeak JIS X 7779:2012 3.2.8
c component JIS X 5805:1994 3.2.16
ca JIS X 0001:1994 01.06.14
ca JIS X 5063-1:2005 5058-1a
ca JIS X 6053:1996 060530008
cable element JIS X 5150:1996 051500007
cable element JIS X 5150:2004 3.1.9
cable unit JIS X 5150:1996 051500008
cable unit JIS X 5150:2004 3.1.10
cable JIS X 5150:1996 051500006
cable JIS X 5150:2004 3.1.8
cabling JIS X 5150:1996 051500009
cabling JIS X 5150:2004 3.1.11
cache memory JIS X 0011:1989 11.01.18
cache JIS X 0011:1989 11.01.18
caching JIS Z 8125:2004 04.02.04
cad(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.03
cad/cam(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.07
cades with time JIS X 5092:2008 3.6
cades with time JIS X 5093:2008 3.6
cadm(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.07
cae(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.02
calculator with algebraic logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.07
calculator with algebraic logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.07
calculator with arithmetic logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.06
calculator with arithmetic logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.06
calculator with external program input JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.19
calculator with external program input JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.19
calculator with keyboard and external program input JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.20
calculator with keyboard and external program input JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.20
calculator with keyboard controlled addressable storage JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.13
calculator with keyboard controlled addressable storage JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.13
calculator with keyboard program input JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.18
calculator with keyboard program input JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.18
calculator with postfix notation logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.08
calculator with postfix notation logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.08
calculator with program-controlled addressable storage JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.14
calculator with program-controlled addressable storage JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.14
calculator with program-controlled and keyboard controlled addressable storage JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.15
calculator with program-controlled and keyboard controlled addressable storage JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.15
calculator with reverse-polish notation logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.08
calculator with reverse-polish notation logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.08
calculator with suffix notation logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.08
calculator with suffix notation logic JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.08
calculator without addressable storage JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.12
calculator without addressable storage JIS X 0022:1989 22.02.12
calculator JIS X 0001:1987 01.03.03
calculator JIS X 0001:1994 01.03.17
calculator JIS X 0022:1989 22.01.01
calculator JIS X 0022:1989 22.01.01
calendar date JIS X 0301:1992 3.03
calendar era JIS X 7108:2004 4.1.2
calendar month JIS X 0301:1992 3.12
calendar week JIS X 0301:1992 3.17
calendar year JIS X 0301:1992 3.19
calendar JIS X 7108:2004 4.1.1
calendar(1) JIS X 0701:2005
calendar(2) JIS X 0701:2005
calendered paper JIS X 0701:2005 6.5.19
call-accepted signal JIS X 0009:1987 09.06.16
call-back JIS X 0008:2001 08.06.12
call-not-accepted signal JIS X 0009:1987 09.06.17
call-number JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.11
call (in programming language) JIS X 0015:2002 15.06.05
call by address JIS X 0015:2002 15.06.08
call by location JIS X 0015:2002 15.06.08
call by name JIS X 0015:2002 15.06.07
call by reference JIS X 0015:2002 15.06.08
call by value JIS X 0015:2002 15.06.09
call control procedure JIS X 0009:1987 09.05.12
call control procedure JIS X 0009:1997 09.07.27
call coupling (control) JIS X 5070-1:2011 3.2.11
call coupling (data) JIS X 5070-1:2011 3.2.9
call coupling (stamp) JIS X 5070-1:2011 3.2.10
call coupling JIS X 5070-1:2011 3.2.8
call graph JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.48
call tree JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.48
call tree JIS X 5070-1:2011 3.2.2
call JIS X 0009:1997 09.08.06
call JIS X 0015:1987 15.06.06
call JIS X 4170:2009 JC.33
called-(n)-address JIS X 5005:1990 3.4.05
called ns user JIS X 5301:1991 3.3.2
called program, subprogram JIS X 3002:1992 3(284)
called service user JIS X 0026:1995 26.03.12
called ss user JIS X 5201:1991 2.3(02)
called ts user JIS X 5108:1995 3.3(3)
calligraphic display device JIS X 0013:1987 13.04.04
calligraphic display device JIS X 0013:1998 13.04.05
calling-(n)-address JIS X 5005:1990 3.4.04
calling ns user JIS X 5301:1991 3.3.1
calling program JIS X 3002:1992 3(287)
calling sequence JIS X 0007:1992 07.06.16
calling sequence JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.30
calling service user JIS X 0026:1995 26.03.11
calling ss user JIS X 5201:1991 2.3(01)
calling ts user JIS X 5108:1995 3.3(2)
calling JIS X 0009:1987 09.06.08
calling JIS X 0009:1997 09.08.05
cam(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.06
camera-ready copy JIS Z 8125:2004 13.01.03
campus backbone cable JIS X 5150:1996 051500011
campus backbone cable JIS X 5150:2004 3.1.13
campus distributor JIS X 5150:1996 051500012
campus distributor JIS X 5150:2004 3.1.14
campus wide information system TR X 0055:2002 2.77
campus JIS X 5150:1996 051500010
campus JIS X 5150:2004 3.1.12
can-send-checked-in JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.12
can-send-received JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.13
can-send-returned JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.14
can-send-shipped JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.15
can JIS X 3003:1993 3.2(18)
cancel release JIS B 0191:1986 117
candidate descriptor JIS X 0706:1989 06-
candidate fsm method JIS X 0135-2:2004 3.1
candidate fsm method JIS X 0135-2:2011 3.1
candidate list JIS X 8101-1:2010 4.1.6
candidate JIS X 7221:2011 3.9
cannonical xml schema literal JIS X 3005-14:2006
cannot-send-onward JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.16
canonical form JIS X 0221:1995 4.3
canonical form JIS X 0221:2007 4.4
canonical form JIS X 0221:2007 4.4
canvas JIS X 4168:2004 0.2.4
cap height JIS Z 8125:2004 02.06
cap height TR X 0003:2000 03.05
cap line JIS Z 8125:2004 02.06.01
cap(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.05
capabilities of an iut JIS X 5020:1991 03.04.05
capability (セキュリティにおける) JIS X 0008:2001 08.04.10
capability dimension JIS X 0145-1:2008 3.18
capability indicator JIS X 0145-1:2008 3.19
capability list JIS X 0008:2001 08.04.11
capability test JIS X 7105:2001 3.7
capability tests JIS X 5020:1991 03.05.03
capability JIS X 5004:1991 03.03.12
capacitive coupling area JIS X 6901:2003 4202
capacity set JIS X 4151:1992 (292)
capacity JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.05.07
capacity JIS X 4151:1992 (291)
capacity JIS X 5781:1995 3.7.1
capacity JIS X 25010:2013
capc(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.08
capital expenditure JIS X 0814:2011 3.5.1
capital letter JIS Z 8125:2004 11.01
capital JIS Z 8125:2004 11.01
capline JIS X 4201:1990 3(08)
capm(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.08
capp(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.10
captcha JIS X 8341-3:2010 3.2.4
caption JIS X 0701:2005
caption JIS X 0702:1989 02-2.1.4-15
caption JIS X 8341-3:2010 3.3.3
caption JIS Z 8125:2004 07.31
capture area JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.05.08
capture field JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.05.08
capture field/area/zone JIS X 0500-1:2009 01.01.50
capture zone JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.05.08
capture JIS X 5262:1991 3.02
caq assurance(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.09
caqa(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.01.09
car navigation TR X 0002:1997 02.10
carbon print JIS X 0701:2005
card acceptor JIS X 6901:2003 1003
card column JIS X 0012:1990 12.06.11
card deck JIS X 0012:1990 12.01.65
card drive JIS X 6330:2001 3.18
card duplicator JIS X 0012:1990 12.06.27
card feed JIS X 0012:1990 12.06.19
card holder verification JIS X 6901:2003 2206
card holder JIS X 6320-15:2006 3.8
card holder JIS X 6901:2003 1002
card hopper JIS X 0012:1990 12.06.20
card identifier JIS X 6901:2003 4257
card issuer JIS X 6320-15:2006 3.9
card issuer JIS X 6901:2003 1001
card manager application JIS X 6320-13:2009 3.4 JIS X 6901