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対応英語 文書 番号
i-d TR X 0055:2002 2.205
i-d TR X 0055:2002 2.233
i-field JIS X 5270:1996 052700004
i-o-control entry JIS X 3002:1992 3(194)
i-o-control JIS X 3002:1992 3(193)
i-o mode JIS X 3002:1992 3(199)
i-o status JIS X 3002:1992 3(196)
i-picture [video] JIS X 4322:1996 043220079
i-picture [video] JIS X 4323:1996 043230079
i JIS X 6801:1998 21)
i/o process JIS X 6053:1996 060530017
i/o JIS X 0006:1989 06.02.07
i_t_l_q nexus JIS X 6053:1996 060530022
i_t_lnexus JIS X 6053:1996 060530019
i_t_rnexus JIS X 6053:1996 060530020
i_t_x nexus JIS X 6053:1996 060530021
i_t_x_y nexus JIS X 6053:1996 060530023
i_tnexus JIS X 6053:1996 060530018
iab TR X 0055:2002 2.206
iab TR X 0055:2002 2.230
iana TR X 0055:2002 2.207
iana TR X 0055:2002 2.231
ibg (abbreviation) JIS X 0012:1990 12.03.36
ic JIS X 0001:1994 01.03.10
ic cards with contacts JIS X 6901:2003 2023
ic cards with display JIS X 6901:2003 2025
ic memory cards JIS X 6901:2003 2030
ic memory JIS X 0012:1990 12.03.02
icmp TR X 0055:2002 2.208
icmp TR X 0055:2002 2.232
icon function JIS X 9303-1:2006 4.8
icon JIS X 0013:1998 13.03.17
icon JIS X 0153:2015 4.22
icon JIS X 8341-6:2013 3.15
icon JIS X 9303-1:2006 4.7
iconic document JIS X 0701:2005 2.1.16
iconic document JIS X 0702:1989 02-
ics JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.05.31
id-1 JIS X 6301:2005 4.5
id-1 JIS X 6901:2003 2007
id-100 JIS X 6301:2005 4.11
id-2 JIS X 6301:2005 4.6
id-2 JIS X 6901:2003 2008
id-3 JIS X 6301:2005 4.7
id-3 JIS X 6901:2003 2009
id filter JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.05.30
idct JIS X 4301:1995 3.1.77
identical (of a pair of values) JIS X 3005-2:2015
identification card JIS X 6301:2005 4.1
identification card JIS X 6320-3:2009 3.7
identification card JIS X 6320-4:2009 3.23
identification card JIS X 6901:2003 2006
identification decision JIS X 8101-1:2010 4.1.7
identification number JIS X 6302-1:2005 4.4
identification range JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.01.87
identification rank JIS X 8101-1:2010 4.6.13
identification rate JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.01.88
identification rate JIS X 8101-1:2010 4.6.7
identification JIS X 0017:1997 17.02.14
identification JIS X 8101-1:2010 4.5.2
identifier (in metadata registry) JIS X 4181-3:2004 3.1.8
identifier (in organization of data) JIS X 0004:2002 04.09.02
identifier (in programming languages) JIS X 0015:2002 15.01.03
identifier octets JIS X 5604:1990 3.05
identifier of graphic character set JIS X 0218:1997 (1)
identifier of graphic character set JIS X 0218:1997 1
identifier reference list JIS X 4151:1992 (103)
identifier reference value JIS X 4151:1992 (102)
identifier value JIS X 4151:1992 (104)
identifier JIS X 0004:1989 04.09.02
identifier JIS X 0015:1987 15.01.02
identifier JIS X 0706:1989 06-3.4.2-08
identifier JIS X 3002:1992 3(4)
identifier JIS X 3003:1993 3.2(14)
identifier JIS X 4151:1992 (101)
identify JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.01.85
identity-based security policy JIS X 5004:1991 03.03.30
identity authentication JIS X 0008:2001 08.04.12
identity element JIS X 0003:1989 03.04.14
identity gate JIS X 0003:1989 03.04.14
identity operation JIS X 0002:1987 02.05.07
identity token JIS X 0008:2001 08.04.13
identity validation JIS X 0008:2001 08.04.12
identity JIS X 5070-1:2011 3.1.37
ideogram entry JIS X 0023:1995 23.04.32
ideogram JIS X 0004:1989 04.03.04
ideogram JIS X 0004:2002 04.03.05
ideographic character JIS X 0004:2002 04.03.05
ideographic charcter JIS X 0004:1989 04.03.04
idl JIS X 5252:1995 12.1.3(13)
idl JIS X 5252:1995 7.1.1(9)
idle mode JIS X 7779:2012 3.1.7
idle state JIS X 6901:2003 4240
idle time JIS X 0014:1987 14.03.06
idle JIS X 5252:1995 12.1.3(13)
idle JIS X 5252:1995 7.1.1(9)
idling mode JIS X 7778:2001 3.1.3
ieee TR X 0055:2002 2.209
ieee802 TR X 0055:2002 2.210
ien TR X 0055:2002 2.211
ien TR X 0055:2002 2.237
iepg TR X 0055:2002 2.212
iepg TR X 0055:2002 2.234
iesg TR X 0055:2002 2.213
iesg TR X 0055:2002 2.235
ietf TR X 0055:2002 2.214
ietf TR X 0055:2002 2.236
if-and-only-if element JIS X 0003:1989 03.04.11
if-and-only-if gate JIS X 0003:1989 03.04.11
if-and-only-if operation JIS X 0002:1987 02.05.09
if-then gate JIS X 0003:1989 03.04.12
if-then operation JIS X 0002:1987 02.05.16
if-then rule JIS X 0028:1999 28.02.26
if-then statement JIS X 0028:1999 28.02.26
if statement JIS X 0015:2002 15.05.15
if then element JIS X 0003:1989 03.04.12
iff JIS X 0002:1987 02.05.09
igp TR X 0055:2002 2.216
igp TR X 0055:2002 2.221
ih JIS X 5252:1995 12.1.3(14)
iin JIS X 6901:2003 1005
iinren TR X 0055:2002 2.215
iinren TR X 0055:2002 2.220
ilf JIS X 0142:2010 2.53
ill-apdu-type JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.56
ill-formed code unit sequence subset JIS X 0221:2007 4.34
ill-formed code unit sequence JIS X 0221:2007 4.33
ill-formed program JIS X 3014:2003 1.3.4
ill-service-type JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.57
ill-transaction group JIS X 0808:2001 3.4.6
ill-transaction state JIS X 0808:2001 3.4.7
ill-transaction JIS X 0808:2001 3.4.5
ill-transaction JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.58
illustration JIS X 0153:2015 4.23
illustration JIS X 0701:2005 2.1.18
illustration JIS Z 8125:2004 12.03.10
image assembly JIS Z 8125:2004 08.17
image comprehension JIS X 0028:1999 28.01.17
image coordinate reference system JIS X 7111:2014 4.30
image data JIS X 4301:1995 3.1.74
image datum JIS X 7111:2014 4.31
image enhancement JIS X 0701:2005 6.7.37
image position measurement of lens shift JIS X 6911:2015 3.6
image processing JIS X 0001:1994 01.06.20
image processing JIS X 0013:1998 13.01.04
image recognition JIS X 0028:1999 28.01.14
image regeneration JIS X 0013:1987 13.05.01
image regeneration JIS X 0013:1998 13.05.05
image set JIS X 0654:1995 4.8
image state JIS X 9207:2012 3.1.16
image transmission JIS X 0027:1995 27.01.04
image understanding JIS X 0028:1999 28.01.17
image JIS X 4221:1993 3.88
image JIS X 4301:1995 3.1.46
image JIS Z 8125:2004 13.01.02
imagesetter JIS X 0523:2007 3.14
imaginary body (参考) TR X 0003:2000 07.26
imaginary body JIS Z 8125:2004 02.11
imaging order JIS X 4101:1993 (8)
imaging process JIS X 4101:1993 (9)
imaging tool JIS X 0523:2007 3.15
imho TR X 0055:2002 2.217
imitation art paper JIS X 0701:2005 6.5.14
immediate data JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.23
immediate instruction JIS X 0007:1992 07.06.10
immediate instruction JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.21
immediate operand JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.22
immediate recipient JIS X 0032:1999 32.04.06
immediate recipient JIS X 5801:1991 A.40
immediately recursive element JIS X 4151:2001 K.2.2.5
immunity JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.02.37
impact printer JIS X 0012:1990 12.07.03
impact JIS X 0500-1:2009 01.01.67
imperative language JIS X 0007:2001 07.01.17
imperative statement JIS X 0015:2002 15.05.12
imperative statement JIS X 3002:1992 3(275)
imperfect collating JIS Z 8125:2004 09.12.04
implememtation JIS X 0606:1998 4.9
implementation-defined behavior JIS X 3010:1993 3.10
implementation-defined behavior JIS X 3010:2003 3.4.1
implementation-defined behavior JIS X 3015:2008 4.6
implementation-defined value JIS X 3010:2003 3.17.1
implementation-defined JIS X 3008:1994 3(3)
implementation-defined JIS X 3017:2013 4.7
implementation-defined JIS X 3050:1996 030500001
implementation-defined JIS X 59d JIS X 3050