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対応英語 文書 番号
n-address instruction JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.16
n-adic boolean operation JIS X 0002:1987 02.05.03b
n-adic operation JIS X 0002:1987 02.10.05b
n-adic operator JIS X 3005-2:2015
n-ary association JIS X 4170:2009 JC.122
n-ary encoding JIS X 0009:1997 09.05.05
n-ary relationship JIS X 0137-1:2003 b45
n-ary JIS X 0002:1987 02.03.12g
n-ary JIS X 0002:1987 02.03.13g
n-bit block cipher algorithm JIS X 5053:1996 050530003
n-bit block cipher algorithm JIS X 5055:1996 050550003
n-bit block cipher algorithm JIS X 5057:1996 050570007
n-bit byte JIS X 0004:1989 04.05.06
n-bit byte JIS X 0004:2002 04.05.09
n-tuple length register JIS X 0011:1989 11.02.13
n-tuple length register JIS X 0011:1989 11.02.13
n-tuple register JIS X 0011:1989 11.02.13
n-tuple register JIS X 0011:1989 11.02.13
n JIS X 7111:2014 4.36
na JIS X 5263:1993 3.27
nak TR X 0055:2002 2.320
nak TR X 0055:2002 2.326
name-of-institution JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.89
name-of-person JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.90
name (of administered item) JIS X 4181-3:2004 3.3.77
name association JIS X 3001:1994 030010105
name binding JIS X 5764:1994 3.8.23
name character JIS X 4151:1992 (201)
name class JIS X 4177-2:2005 3.14
name group JIS X 4151:1992 (196)
name of corporate body JIS X 0801:1989 2(3)
name of corporate body JIS X 0802:1989 2(3)
name qualification JIS X 0015:1987 15.02.13
name qualification JIS X 0015:2002 15.03.18
name resolution JIS X 5734:1993 03.05.11
name resolution TR X 0055:2002 2.321
name resolution(電子メールにおける) JIS X 0032:1999 32.05.04
name set JIS X 4221:1993 3.119
name start character JIS X 4151:1992 (195)
name token group JIS X 4151:1992 (198)
name token JIS X 4151:1992 (197)
name JIS X 0701:1989 01-1.1.2-09
name JIS X 0701:2005
name JIS X 0806:1999 aw)
name JIS X 3001:1994 030010104
name JIS X 4151:1992 (194)
name JIS X 4170:2009 JC.123
name JIS X 4177-2:2005 3.10
name JIS X 4177-3:2008 3.12
name JIS X 4181-3:2004 3.2.26
name JIS X 5005:1990 3.4.14
name JIS X 5902:1994 3.2.27
name JIS X 8341-3:2010 3.2.5
name JIS X 8341-6:2013 3.27
named character reference JIS X 4151:1992 (200)
named constant JIS X 3001:1994 030010107
named entity reference JIS X 4151:1992 (199)
named parameter association JIS X 0015:2002 15.06.18
named JIS X 3001:1994 030010106
namespace uri JIS X 4177-2:2005 3.11
namespace JIS X 3015:2008 4.14
namespace JIS X 4170:2009 JC.124
namespace JIS X 7136:2012 4.1.43
namespace JIS X 7197:2012 4.9
namespace JIS X 7361:2010 JA.6
namespace JIS X 7362:2010 JA.4
namespace JIS X 7363:2010 JA.4
namespace TR X 0055:2002 2.322
naming-authority JIS X 5005:1990 3.4.15
naming-domain JIS X 5005:1990 3.4.16
naming-subdomain JIS X 5005:1990 3.4.17
naming authority JIS X 0032:1999 32.05.01
naming authority JIS X 4172:1998 3.9
naming authority JIS X 5303:1990 3.4.08
naming authority JIS X 5801:1991 A.64
naming context JIS X 5734:1993 03.05.12
naming domain JIS X 5303:1990 3.4.05
naming rules parameter JIS X 4151:1992 (271)
naming schema JIS X 5764:1994 3.8.24
naming scheme JIS X 7201:2005 3.1.8
naming tree JIS X 5764:1994 3.8.25
nand element JIS X 0003:1989 03.04.13
nand gate JIS X 0003:1989 03.04.13
nand operation JIS X 0002:1987 02.05.12
narrow (参考) TR X 0003:2000 02.12
narrow element JIS X 0500:2002 20202
narrow element JIS X 0503:2000 d)
narrow element JIS X 0506:2000 d)
narrow JIS Z 8125:2004 01.11.02
narrowband JIS X 0009:1997 09.03.12
narrowcast TR X 0002:1997 01.03.03
narrower term JIS X 0701:2005
narrower term JIS X 0706:1989 06-
nassi-shneiderman chart JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.50
nat JIS X 0016:1987 16.03.08
national-bibliography-no JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.91
national archives JIS X 0701:2005 3.3.01
national bibliography JIS X 0702:1989 02-2.1.3-07
national exchange of documents JIS X 0705:1989 05-3.1-13
national exchange JIS X 0705:1989 05-3.1-13
national information infrastructure TR X 0002:1997 01.03
national institute of standards and technology TR X 0055:2002 2.323
national library JIS X 0701:1989 01-1.3.2-07
national library JIS X 0701:2005 3.2.02
national library JIS X 0814:2011 3.1.8
national museum JIS X 0701:2005 3.4.02
national research and education network TR X 0055:2002 2.324
national science foundation TR X 0055:2002 2.325
native character set JIS X 3002:1992 3(61)
native collating sequence JIS X 3002:1992 3(60)
native type ic card JIS X 6319-3:2011 3.1.16
native JIS X 3003:1993 3.2(13)
natural-language assertion JIS X 4177-3:2008 3.13
natural-language comprehension JIS X 0028:1999 28.01.18
natural-language understanding JIS X 0028:1999 28.01.18
natural language JIS X 0001:1994 01.05.08
natural language JIS X 0701:1989 01-1.1.2-02
natural language JIS X 0701:2005
natural language JIS X 8341-6:2013 3.28
natural number JIS X 0002:1987 02.03.01
natural unit of information content JIS X 0016:1987 16.03.08
navigation JIS X 0153:2015 4.30
navigation TR X 0002:1997 06.06
nc JIS X 0001:1987 01.06.03
nc(省略形) JIS X 0024:1998 24.03.01
nciexyz JIS X 9207:2012 3.1.9
ncname JIS X 4177-2:2005 3.13
ndc JIS X 4201:1990 3(45)
ndc JIS X 4211:1995 3.1.71
ndc(省略形) JIS X 0013:1998 13.02.12
near-miss JIS X 0031:1999 31.03.15
near-synonym JIS X 0706:1989 06-3.4.2-05
near letter quality JIS X 0023:1995 23.07.02
need-before-date JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.92
need-to-know JIS X 0008:2001 08.04.16
negated combined condition JIS X 3002:1992 3(210)
negated simple condition JIS X 3002:1992 3(211)
negation JIS X 0002:1987 02.05.17
negative acknowledgement JIS X 6901:2003 4260
negative acknowledgement TR X 0055:2002 2.326
negative entry JIS X 0022:1989 22.03.16
negative entry JIS X 0022:1989 22.03.16
negative example JIS X 0031:1999 31.03.14
negative image JIS X 0524:2007 4.11
negative indication JIS X 0022:1989 22.04.04
negative indication JIS X 0022:1989 22.04.04
negative instance JIS X 0031:1999 31.03.14
negative JIS Z 8125:2004 08.03
negentropy(使用しないほうがよい) JIS X 0016:1997 16.03.03
negotiation JIS X 5202:1991 2.3(11)
negotiation JIS X 7301:2010 2.6
neighbor notification JIS X 0025:1994 25.04.08
neighbour JIS X 5308:1995 3.6.2
neighbourhood JIS X 7107:2005 4.57
neither-nor operation JIS X 0002:1987 02.05.14
neo-grotesque (参考) TR X 0003:2000
nested eci JIS X 0500:2002 30503
nested eci JIS X 0510:1999 3.1.15
net-effecting JIS X 5745:1995 3.3.29
netfind TR X 0055:2002 2.327
netiquette TR X 0055:2002 2.328
netnews TR X 0055:2002 2.329
network address JIS X 5801:1991 A.65
network address TR X 0055:2002 2.331
network addressing authority JIS X 5303:1990 3.4.09
network addressing domain JIS X 5303:1990 3.4.07
network architecture JIS X 0018:1989 18.02.02
network architecture JIS X 0018:1989 18.02.02
network chart JIS X 0020:1992 20.07.05
network file system TR X 0055:2002 2.332
network information center TR X 0055:2002 2.333
network information services TR X 0055:2002 2.334
network layer JIS X 0026:1995 26.02.07
network mask TR X 0055:2002 2.336
network model JIS X 0017:1997 17.05.03
network news transfer protocol TR X 0055:2002 2.335
network number TR X 0055:2002 2.337
network operations center TR X 0055:2002 2.338
network planning JIS X 0020:1992 20.07.06
network protocol address information JIS X 5303:1990 3.4.04
network service provider JIS X 5109:1994 3.2.3
network structure JIS X 0017:1997 17.05.04
network time protocol TR X 0055:2002 2.339
network time protocol TR X 0055