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対応英語 文書 番号
o component JIS X 5805:1994 3.2.57
o/r address JIS X 0032:1999 32.05.03
o/r address JIS X 5801:1991 A.70
o/r name JIS X 0032:1999 32.05.02
o/r name JIS X 5801:1991 A.71
oa (abbreviation) JIS X 0027:1995
oa JIS X 0001:1994 01.06.09
obe JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.04.17
obective JIS X 0812:2002 3.14
object-computer JIS X 3002:1992 3(80)
object-oriented language JIS X 0007:1992 07.01.14
object-oriented language JIS X 0007:2001 07.01.16
object-oriented programming JIS X 0007:1992 07.02.05
object-oriented JIS X 0015:2002 15.09.13
object-oriented TR X 0002:1997 01.05
object (in programming languages) JIS X 0015:2002 15.09.05
object (セキュリティにおける) JIS X 0008:2001 08.01.31
object capacity JIS X 4151:1992 (150)
object class description JIS X 4101:1993 (92)
object class qualifier JIS X 4181-3:2004 3.3.83
object class JIS X 4101:1993 (91)
object class JIS X 4181-3:2004 3.3.82
object clipping JIS X 4211:1995 3.1.72
object code JIS X 0007:2001 07.04.57
object computer entry JIS X 3002:1992 3(81)
object description JIS X 4101:1993 (90)
object descriptor type JIS X 5603:1990 3.32
object diagram JIS X 4170:2009 JC.127
object directory file JIS X 6320-15:2006 3.24
object flow state JIS X 4170:2009 JC.128
object icon JIS X 9303-1:2006 4.12
object identifier type JIS X 5603:1990 3.31
object identifier JIS X 0806:1999 ay)
object identifier JIS X 5603:1990 3.30
object language JIS X 0007:1992 07.03.11
object language JIS X 0007:2001 07.04.56
object lifeline JIS X 4170:2009 JC.129
object modification JIS X 4155:1994 3.34
object module JIS X 0007:1992 07.03.26
object module JIS X 0007:2001 07.04.58
object module JIS X 0010:1987 10.02.10
object name JIS X 4172:1998 3.17
object of entry JIS X 3002:1992 3(31)
object of interest (type) JIS X 0143:2013 2.19
object program JIS X 0007:1992 07.03.15
object program JIS X 0007:2001 07.04.59
object program JIS X 3002:1992 3(82)
object time JIS X 3002:1992 3(77)
object type JIS X 4101:1993 (93)
object type JIS X 5902:1994 3.2.30
object updating device JIS X 5745:1995 3.3.18
object version JIS X 5902:1994 3.2.31
object JIS X 0701:2005
object JIS X 3001:1994 030010063
object JIS X 3010:1993 3.14
object JIS X 3010:2003 3.14
object JIS X 3016:2010 5.31
object JIS X 3017:2013 4.14
object JIS X 4101:1993 (89)
object JIS X 4170:2009 JC.126
object JIS X 4181-3:2004 3.2.27
object JIS X 5070-1:2011 3.1.45
object JIS X 5902:1994 3.2.29
object JIS X 6174:2004 4.22
object JIS X 6177:2006 4.18
object JIS X 7107:2005 4.59
object JIS X 7136:2012 4.1.45
object TR X 0002:1997 05.04.02
object(人工知能における) JIS X 0028:1999 28.02.06
objective evidence JIS X 0145-1:2008 3.24
objective JIS X 0812:2012 2.29
observable type JIS X 7136:2012 4.1.46
observation JIS X 0141:2009 2.29
observation JIS X 25000:2010 4.39
observation JIS X 25040:2014 4.45
observed attribute JIS X 5781:1995 3.7.7
observed object JIS X 5781:1995 3.7.8
observer function JIS X 3005-2:2015
observer JIS X 8101-1:2010 4.3.7
obsolescence JIS X 0701:2005 5.6.12
obsolescent feature JIS X 3001:1994 030010109
obsolescent JIS X 3030:1994
obsolete element JIS X 3002:1992 3(203)
obsoleting indication service JIS X 0032:1999 32.08.09
obsoleting indication, ipm JIS X 5801:1991 B.52
obverse cover JIS Z 8125:2004 09.28.13
occurrence type JIS X 4157-2:2008 3.10
occurrence JIS X 0017:1997 17.02.09
occurrence JIS X 4157-2:2008 3.9
oclc TR X 0055:2002 2.353
oclc TR X 0055:2002 2.355
ocr (abbreviation) JIS X 0012:1990 12.01.53
ocr cards JIS X 6901:2003 2020
octal digit JIS X 0004:1989 04.03.14
octal numeral JIS X 0005:1990 05.01.07b
octal numeral JIS X 0005:2002 05.01.08
octal numeration system JIS X 0005:1990 05.03.14
octal numeration system JIS X 0005:2002 05.04.16
octal system JIS X 0005:1990 05.03.14
octal system JIS X 0005:2002 05.04.16
octal JIS X 0002:1987 02.03.12c
octal JIS X 0002:1987 02.03.13c
octave device JIS X 0706:1989 06-
octet-aligened transfer syntax JIS X 5602:1995 3.5.13
octet JIS X 0001:1994 01.02.10
octet JIS X 0004:1989 04.05.07
octet JIS X 0004:2002 04.05.10 (01.02.10)
octet JIS X 0221:1995 4.23
octet JIS X 0221:2007 4.31
octet JIS X 0221:2007 4.43
octet JIS X 5262:1991 3.09
octet TR X 0055:2002 2.354
octetstring type JIS X 5603:1990 3.18
octree JIS X 0013:1998 13.02.37
odc JIS X 6270:2011 4.24
odc JIS X 6275:2012 4.24
odc JIS X 6277:2012 4.26
odc JIS X 6279:2011 4.24
odc JIS X 6280:2011 4.22
odc JIS X 6291:1998 4.24
odc JIS X 6292:1998 4.20
odd parity JIS X 0500-2:2009 02.05.13
odd parity JIS X 0507:2004 i)
oep JIS X 7001:1999 3.1.11
oersted JIS X 6305-2:2010 3.15
off-line authentication certificate JIS X 5792:1996 057920013
off-line JIS X 0001:1994 01.01.42
off-line JIS X 0010:1987 10.03.06
off-setting JIS X 0701:2005 6.6.21
off-site collection JIS X 0701:2005 3.1.15
off-the-shelf product JIS X 0160:1996 001600015
off-the-shelf JIS X 0160:2012 4.21
offer of commitment of an atomic action branch JIS X 5704:1995 3.6.35
offer of commitment JIS X 5704:1995 3.6.35
office automation system JIS X 0027:1995 27.01.02
office automation JIS X 0001:1994 01.06.09
office automation JIS X 0027:1995
office document language JIS X 4101:1993 (67)
office equipment JIS X 6912:2007 3.3
offline JIS X 0001:1994 01.01.42
offline JIS X 0010:1987 10.03.06
offline JIS X 8101-1:2010 4.4.5
offprint JIS X 0701:2005 2.4.20
offset track JIS X 0008:2001 08.08.09
offset value JIS X 9205:2005 4.1.4
offset JIS X 6320-4:2009 3.27
offset JIS X 9205:2005 4.1.3
ofiice of origin JIS X 0701:2005 3.3.10
oid JIS X 0806:1999 az)
ok proof JIS Z 8125:2004
ok sheet JIS Z 8125:2004 14.09.01
ok with change JIS Z 8125:2004 14.09.02
ok with correction JIS Z 8125:2004 14.09.02
ok JIS Z 8125:2004 14.09
old letter shape (参考) TR X 0003:2000
omission JIS X 0802:1989 2(6)
omitted public text JIS X 4171:1996 041710006
omitted tag minimization parameter JIS X 4151:1992 (124)
omnidirectional scanner JIS X 0500-2:2009 02.04.17
omnidirectional JIS X 0500-2:2009 02.01.44
on-board equipment JIS X 0500-3:2009 05.04.17
on-demand printing JIS Z 8125:2004 00.04
on-demand TR X 0002:1997 06.02.01
on-hold JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.102
on-line authentication certificate JIS X 5792:1996 057920014
on-line JIS X 0001:1994 01.01.41
on-line JIS X 0010:1987 10.03.05
on-order JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.103
on-reserve JIS X 0809:2001 3.6.104
on-screen documentation JIS X 0153:2015 4.31
on-screen keyboard JIS X 8341-7:2011 4.9
on-site collection JIS X 0701:2005 3.1.11
on-site loan JIS X 0814:2011 3.3.16
on-the-fly printer JIS X 0012:1990 12.07.10
on/off keying JIS X 6901:2003 4214
one-address instruction JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.13
one-ahead addressing JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.19
one-beam overwrite JIS X 6291:1998 4.22
one-beam overwrite JIS X 6292:1998 4.18
one-plus-one address instruction JIS X 0007:2001 07.09.17
one-way communication JIS X 0009:1987 09.05.04
one-way encryption JIS X 0008:2001 08.03.03
one-way function JIS X 5738:1993 03.03.7
one-way interaction JIS X 5003:1987 7.3.1(5)
one-way propagation time JIS X 0025:1994 25.03.14
one or more morts one-way propagation time JIS X 0025