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このページの最下段に移る |
対応英語 | 文書 | 番号 |
u-equal | JIS X 7206:2010 | ap) |
ua | JIS X 5801:1991 | A.129 |
ua(省略形) | JIS X 0032:1999 | 32.02.05 |
ucc/ean system | JIS X 0507:2004 | j) |
uci dataset | JIS X 6905:2013 | 3.4 |
ucr | JIS Z 8125:2004 | |
ucs codespace | JIS X 0221:2007 | 4.57 |
ucs scalar value | JIS X 0221:2007 | 4.58 |
udp | TR X 0055:2002 | 2.477 |
udp | TR X 0055:2002 | 2.485 |
udr | JIS X 6132:1995 | 4.9.4 |
udr | JIS X 6135:1997 | 4.6.4 |
ufp | JIS X 0142:2010 | 2.69 |
ui | JIS X 8341-6:2013 | 3.37 |
uid | JIS X 6901:2003 | 4269 |
uiversal resources identifier | JIS X 0701:2005 | |
ulp | JIS X 5270:1996 | 052700012 |
ultimate component | JIS X 3001:1994 | 030010142 |
ultrafiche | JIS X 0701:2005 | |
uml application schema | JIS X 7136:2012 | 4.1.64 |
unable-to-perform | JIS X 0809:2001 | 3.6.176 |
unadjusted function point count | JIS X 0142:2010 | 2.69 |
unambiguous | JIS X 0171:2014 | 5.26 |
unary operation | JIS X 0002:1987 | 02.10.04 |
unary operator | JIS X 0002:1987 | 02.10.07a |
unary operator | JIS X 3002:1992 | 3(147) |
unassigned code-points | JIS X 0208:1997 | a |
unassigned code-points | JIS X 0213:2000 | a |
unassigned reference | JIS X 5109:1994 | 3.2.26 |
unavailable public text | JIS X 4151:1992 | (203) |
unavailable time | JIS X 0014:1987 | 14.03.02 |
unbalance of disc u_d | JIS X 6282:2009 | 1.5.28 |
unbalance of disc u_d | JIS X 6283:2009 | 1.5.34 |
unboxing | JIS X 3016:2010 | 5.38 |
uncertainty | JIS X 0028:1999 | 28.04.13 |
unchained sequence | JIS X 5710:1994 | 3.2.46 |
uncle | JIS X 7206:2010 | f.7) |
uncompressed data | JIS X 6142:1995 | 4.28 |
unconditional jump instruction | JIS X 0007:1992 | 07.06.14 |
unconditional jump instruction | JIS X 0007:2001 | 07.09.28 |
unconditional statement | JIS X 0015:1987 | 15.06.03 |
unconditional statement | JIS X 0015:2002 | 15.05.12 |
unconstrained scope | JIS X 4157-2:2008 | 3.25 |
uncontrolled test | JIS X 5782:1995 | 3.10(s) |
uncontrolled | JIS X 5902:1994 | 3.2.37 |
uncorrectable error | JIS X 6255:2015 | 3.17 |
undefined behavior | JIS X 3010:1993 | 3.16 |
undefined behavior | JIS X 3010:2003 | 3.4.3 |
undefined behavior | JIS X 3014:2003 | 1.3.12 |
undefined behavior | JIS X 3015:2008 | 4.7 |
undefined behavior | JIS X 3016:2010 | 5.7 |
undefined | JIS X 3001:1994 | 030010121 |
undefined | JIS X 3030:1994 | |
undeliverable mail with return of physical message, pd pr | JIS X 5801:1991 | B.91 |
under line | JIS Z 8125:2004 | 07.13 |
underflow (in calculators) | JIS X 0022:1989 | 22.03.31 |
underflow (in calculators) | JIS X 0022:1989 | 22.03.31 |
underflow exception | JIS X 0007:2001 | 07.06.55 |
underflow indication | JIS X 0022:1989 | 22.04.08 |
underflow indication | JIS X 0022:1989 | 22.04.08 |
underflow | JIS X 0002:1987 | 02.07.05 |
underflow | JIS X 3003:1993 | 3.2(6) |
underline | JIS B 0191:1986 | 424 |
underlying license | JIS X 0164-1:2010 | 3.15 |
underlying type | JIS X 0015:2002 | 15.04.23 |
understandability | JIS X 0007:2001 | 07.12.02 |
undo | JIS X 0023:1995 | 23.04.03 |
unexpected disconnect | JIS X 6053:1996 | 060530048 |
unforeseen test outcome | JIS X 5020:1991 | 03.07.05 |
unformatted postal o/r address | JIS X 5801:1991 | A.126 |
unicast | TR X 0055:2002 | 2.478 |
unification | JIS X 0208:1997 | w |
unification | JIS X 0213:2000 | w |
uniform quantization | JIS X 4301:1995 | 3.1.127 |
uniform referencing | JIS X 0015:1987 | 15.02.14 |
uniform resource identifier | JIS X 7197:2012 | 4.13 |
uniform resource identifier | JIS X 7198:2004 | l) |
uniform resource indicator | JIS X 7136:2012 | 4.1.65 |
uniform resource locator | JIS X 4081:2002 | s) |
uniform resource locators | TR X 0055:2002 | 2.479 |
uniform title | JIS X 0701:2005 | |
uninstantiable managed object class | JIS X 5764:1994 | 3.8.36 |
uninterpreted | JIS X 4170:2009 | JC.206 |
unique id | JIS X 0500:2002 | 43301 |
unique identifier | JIS X 4151:1992 | (5) |
unique identifier | JIS X 6901:2003 | 4269 |
unique number | JIS X 5792:1996 | 057920018 |
unique postal name | JIS X 5801:1991 | A.127 |
unique table pair | JIS X 6134:1997 | 6.8 |
unit (of measure) | JIS X 25021:2014 | 4.18 |
unit (参考) | TR X 0003:2000 | 03.15.04 |
unit of description | JIS X 0701:2005 | |
unit of measure name | JIS X 4181-3:2004 | 3.3.126 |
unit of measure precision | JIS X 4181-3:2004 | 3.3.127 |
unit of measure | JIS X 4181-3:2004 | 3.3.125 |
unit of measurement | JIS X 0141:2009 | 2.40 |
unit of measurement | JIS X 0143:2013 | 2.26 |
unit of measurement | JIS X 25000:2010 | 4.60 |
unit of measurement | JIS X 25040:2014 | 4.66 |
unit scaling | JIS X 4101:1993 | (97) |
unit specific emission rate | JIS X 6936:2011 | 4.15 |
unit string | JIS X 0004:1989 | 04.05.04 |
unit string | JIS X 0004:2002 | 04.05.06 |
unit test | JIS X 0020:1992 | 20.05.05 |
unit | JIS X 0133-3:2001 | 4.4 |
unit | JIS X 3002:1992 | 3(283) |
unit | JIS X 7111:2014 | 4.46 |
unit | JIS X 7206:2010 | ao) |
uniterm | JIS X 0706:1989 | 06-3.4.2-10 |
unitized active tag | JIS X 0500-3:2009 | 05.02.64 |
universal address administration | JIS X 0025:1994 | 25.01.20 |
universal classification system | JIS X 0706:1989 | 06- |
universal disk format | JIS X 0611:2012 | |
universal disk format | JIS X 0612:2015 | |
universal disk format | JIS X 0613:2015 | |
universal disk format | JIS X 0614:2015 | |
universal face | JIS X 7107:2005 | 4.84 |
universal product code | JIS X 0516:2006 | 3.43 |
universal resource locator | JIS X 0701:2005 | |
universal resource name | JIS X 0701:2005 | |
universal set | JIS X 0002:1987 | 02.13.06 |
universal solid | JIS X 7107:2005 | 4.85 |
universal subscriber identity module | JIS X 6901:2003 | 2032 |
universal time coordinated | TR X 0055:2002 | 2.480 |
universal type | JIS X 0015:2002 | 15.04.33 |
universe of discourse | JIS X 0017:1997 | 17.02.06 |
universe of discourse | JIS X 7109:2009 | 4.17 |
universe of discourse | JIS X 7113:2004 | 4.22 |
universe of discourse | JIS X 7131:2014 | 4.19 |
university museum | JIS X 0701:2005 | 3.4.08 |
unix-to-unix copy | TR X 0055:2002 | 2.481 |
unknown-transaction-id | JIS X 0809:2001 | 3.6.177 |
unlearning | JIS X 0031:1999 | 31.02.01 |
unmanaged code | JIS X 3016:2010 | 5.39 |
unmanaged data | JIS X 3016:2010 | 5.40 |
unnumbered commands | JIS X 5105:1991 | 3.36 |
unnumbered responses | JIS X 5105:1991 | 3.36 |
unpacked decimal notation | JIS X 0005:1990 | 05.06.06 |
unpacked decimal notation | JIS X 0005:2002 | 05.07.06 |
unpaired rc-element | JIS X 0221:2007 | 4.44 |
unpaired surrogate code unit | JIS X 0221:2007 | 4.59 |
unpost | JIS X 4221:1993 | 3.178 |
unprocessed data | JIS X 6129:1997 | 4.47 |
unprocessed data | JIS X 6130:1999 | 4.47 |
unprocessed data | JIS X 6137:1999 | 4.47 |
unprocessed data | JIS X 6145:2000 | 4.47 |
unprocessed data | JIS X 6146:2001 | 4.46 |
unprocessed data | JIS X 6147:2001 | 4.46 |
unprocessed data | JIS X 6148:2004 | 4.46 |
unprocessed record | JIS X 6129:1997 | 4.48 |
unprocessed record | JIS X 6130:1999 | 4.48 |
unprocessed record | JIS X 6137:1999 | 4.48 |
unprocessed record | JIS X 6145:2000 | 4.48 |
unprocessed record | JIS X 6146:2001 | 4.47 |
unprocessed record | JIS X 6147:2001 | 4.47 |
unprocessed record | JIS X 6148:2004 | 4.47 |
unprotected area | JIS X 0207:1979 | 2(7) |
unrecognized-apdu | JIS X 0809:2001 | 3.6.178 |
unrecorded area | JIS X 6282:2009 | 1.5.29 |
unrecorded area | JIS X 6283:2009 | 1.5.35 |
unrecoverable error | JIS X 0007:2001 | 07.07.36 |
unrecoverable error | JIS X 0008:1987R | 08.05.05 |
unrecoverable error | JIS X 0014:1999 | 14.04.08 |
unregistered owner identifier | JIS X 4151:1992 | (268) |
unregistered owner name | JIS X 4172:1998 | 3.18 |
unresolved issue | JIS X 4181-3:2004 | 3.3.128 |
unsafe code | JIS X 3015:2008 | 4.21 |
unscreened balanced cable | JIS X 5150:2004 | 3.1.63 |
unshielded twisted pair cable | JIS X 5150:1996 | 051500046 |
unsigned attribute | JIS X 5092:2008 | 3.12 |
unsized paper | JIS X 0701:2005 | 6.5.20 |
unsolicited reporting | JIS X 5782:1995 | 3.10(t) |
unspecified behavior | JIS X 3010:1993 | 3.17 |
unspecified behavior | JIS X 3010:2003 | 3.4.4 |
unspecified behavior | JIS X 3014:2003 | 1.3.13 |
unspecified behavior | JIS X 3015:2008 | 4.8 |
unspecified behavior | JIS X 3016:2010 | 5.6 |
unspecified storage unit | JIS X 3001:1994 | 030010122 |
unspecified value | JIS X 3010:2003 | 3.17.3 |
unspecified | JIS X 3017:2013 | 4.17 |
unspecified | JIS X 3030:1994 | |
unstable state | JIS X 0003:1989 | 03.01.03 |
unstructured constraint set | JIS X 5721:1991 | 0003 |