
Dr. Chishiro and Hagiwara presented at ESS in Waseda, Japan. Hiroki Watanabe, Keigo Mizotani, Yusuke Hatori, Hiroyuki Chishiro and Nobuyuki Yamasaki, “A L...


Dr. Chishiro, Mizotani, Takasu, and Kumura presented at the 30th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA2015) in Hawaii, USA. Hiroyuk...


Mizotani, Otsuki, and Oosawa presented at IEICE SIG: Computer Systems (CPSY) in Yokohama, Japan. Keigo Mizotani, Yusuke Hatori, Yusuke Kumura, Masayoshi Takasu,...


Our projects will be exhibited at Embedded Technology 2014, which will be held in PACIFICO YOKOHAMA on November 19th (Wed.) to 21st (Fri.), 2014.